Present: Jonathan Jeong, Aya Okada, Alla Khadka, Khurram Butt, Fangzhi Ye
Minutes Summarized by Alla Khadka
November 7, 2009
I. Updates
a. Professor Kevin Kearns agreed to be our organization’s faculty advisor – now we can register with the University
b. Jonathan and Khurram introduced our organization to Professor Kearns and he is very supportive of our mission
c. Since he is our advisor, to keep him engaged and informed, we will provide him with a report of our organization’s activities once a semester – Jonathan will oversee that it’s done
II. Registering our Organization with the University of Pittsburgh
a. Jonathan and Khurram will fill out the forms and register our organization with the university
b. We will not register with GSPIA – since we don’t need funds from GSPIA –
c. The purpose of registering is to take care of the legal issues rather than in order to get the funds
d. To register our group we need at least 10 members (the number includes the officers) who are University of Pittsburgh students – we have seven people already
e. Once we register as a university group – we will get the website – we could translate our vision, mission etc. into different languages
III. New Members
a. Jonathan talked to David Bell and he agreed to join the organization – so David is officially in
b. Other potential candidates: Beate Antonich (Aya will ask her) and Alona Reva (Alla will ask her)
c. We need to think about what positions our new members will assume
d. After we talk to Beate and Alona we will e-mail the results to the other group members right away
e. If Beate and Alona will agree, we will proceed with registering us with the University. If they won’t accept we will ask some other people
IV. Structure and Transparency
a. How will we rotate the positions – are the officers elected for a year long term? Are we going to hold elections once a year?
b. Need to discuss this issue during our next meeting and decide –it’s a matter of transparency matter
V. Partnership Organization
a. Aya e-mailed to Kakenya several times – but did not really get any response – so we decided to go with another organization
b. Jonathan suggested another option – looking into Pittsburgh Foodbank connection to public schools – Jonathan will contact them and will give us the update (Duquesne school district)
VI. Finalizing the Name
a. Considering all the suggestions and comments we finalized Purposeful Penny as the official name of our organization – acronym PP
Next Meeting: Friday, December 18; Jonathan’s place; from 3:00 to 5:00
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